
Hello! Exciting news to share with you all on this Monday Morning!

For a few years I have been debating if to join in with NanoWriMo but never got round to it-maybe through lack of confidence BUT not this year! I have signed up and ready to go!

Im quite excited to be honest and hope it will push my WIP2 into an actual novel 🙂



What is it?

From the 1st November-30th November you basically write 🙂 The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month! So will have to write 1,666 words a day!


So I will look forward to updating my progress with you all! I have uploaded the short synopsis and title so far 🙂

I know I said the next post will show a drawing but its nearly finished so will show you soon (its a part of WIP2 anyway)


Eek now to sort out the rest of the plot outline and plan some more!


Are you participating in Nano this year? Add me: JennytheWren



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6 Responses to NanoWriMo

  1. Congrats on beginning your Nanowrimo journey! It’s definitely an exciting one to undertake! Best wishes for smooth ride this month!

  2. Paula Harmon says:

    Thanks for adding me as a buddy. I’ve added you too.

  3. Good luck with it 🙂

  4. Mayumi-H says:

    That’s great, Jenny! NaNo can be such a fun adventure of writing. I am undecided about participating – I have at least 2 edits I need to work on – but I have always enjoyed the challenge in this project. Good luck!

  5. Adri says:

    You’re lucky. I haven’t figured out the title or the synopsis and I’m a bit stuck with the plot. Good luck with the outlining!

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